Tuesday 8 March 2011


Notebooks past yrs:

The form of our imagination is the form of our bodies moving fractionally past where we stand. Elasticated out and bending into contours that will shape our action. They lay the path- are the carpet we spin across the gulf. A bridge or stepping stone, just too wide to straddle so that we must launch ourselves outwards and jump or fly. If somehow captured as a visual entropy half-way, this becomes a levitation; a suspension were we are formed equally from above and below, buffeted and balanced from all sides by the connections we make- like tiny lassoes- to a wider environment. These filaments or tenterhooks position us at a fractionally different place at each instance as they lengthen and contract in pairs that angle us forward, backwards, upright or plummeting downwards.

No position is defined on its own. They work as diametrically opposed reflections. We trust our being on the wind and in this moment enliven the space we enter. Our whole bodies attune and complete each episode of multi-layered contact (which is equally what seems centred within our own skin and what separates, so better to connect the distance between one supposed completed form and another)

We stretch tendrils out towards one another, moulding the space just out of reach; the gaps between our steps. This is our grafting or measurement, our thoughts and cognition.

Yet it is the falling into the thought about form just past the moment of standing which allows for this.

Form is a distinctive thought entity. With it, co-ordination, language and emotion is ensued. We emanate outwards from this unlimited seed. And it is from here that we perceive; issue out and receive in as a co-mingling.

When this thought-entity is fractured, reduced or bolstered past all possibility of sending out- stoked up and plastered shut or trickling away and bleeding dry outside of any situation of movement and connection, of sending forth and receiving back- when it is bruised, then problems will escalate. For then there is no feedback around a recognised entity. No integration depot- and nothing can be broken down nor built up.

It is the tiny seed-thought from our projected ladder that spans out in all directions to carry us far and take us home, which we must address. For when this is properly addressed then we can co-ordinate our time of coming and going and measure our contact with others. And it is this extension and re-deployment to a still point; these two diametrically opposed but self-fulfilling tendencies, that complete our humanity and send a switch-light out from the heart- which is re-routed at the source of our present living manifestation- at the Dantian (lower abdomen) where we fold in and fold out.

Our human forms come out of non-form. A great pool of many conjoining and separation. This nurtures us and is the point of possibility; the any-which-way, out of which we must grasp and send down the strands of any duality into our one unity.

Then at every breath and every gesture this duality must re-appear and express a different facet of our dynamism. We must sense by conjoining in our minds a unity which depends on the gulf of duality that is our origin. Our one emergent source is found anew at each instant in the metaphor of creating or sending forth a unity out of the necessity of duality which is our consignment in movement. We extend through time in duality, then send back down into the valuable but static source of our beginnings and end. This is our position in space. Our place on the earth.

We must grasp and seize the mass of stirrings into a co- partition of separation and unity in order to live and to be. This is our human destiny. The emblem anew at each moment. The contradiction. This is our will, our perseverance, our grasp and surge of life.

This is recognition.

This distinguishing and folding back in is our life.

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