Tuesday 8 March 2011


The recent past Notes:

The speed that we set ourselves to become visible at, determines the way our senses record reality.

We are a sounding fawk. We emanate a harmonic, through which specific frequencies catch into. Then a pattern is continuously reinforced.

Initially vision, sound, sensation emanates from out of us, not into us.

We must set a tone to catch a beat. Then through the interval of beats we must read through these gaps, a melody.

The human endeavour is the ability to decode filled and empty spaces as pattern, to retrieve in our mind this pattern and to elaborate or simplify this pattern endlessly.

By creating out of these patterns closed meanings and entities we are free to move between these forms. Otherwise we would be caught in tangents that we could never leave because they would never be resolved.

It is thus by creating “things” and “meaning” that we can move beyond “things” and “meaning”.

Our ability to determine the speed at which we operate: the “spin” of a particular instant of being is our ability to set dimension as our specific relationship with a known entity. This may change in time as we shift the conditions of our evolved presence and thus shift the parameters of our every relationship with that which lives. But it is our ability to know the conditions of this relationship at any one time that determines our self-knowledge and our knowledge of others; our freedom in every sense depends on this.

It is this which literally engages, like the spokes of interlocking wheels, our vision with what is seen, our hearing with what is heard, our feeling with what is touched.

Language comes out of the accumulation of all these feedback loops.

One needs to learn to “spin” very fast at the centre and slow at the edges in order to be visible in this world yet able to integrate on many levels and to adapt to many circumstances in the presentation of life.

There needs to be a continuous stream from one place of presentation to another so that the unfolding viability of a life is monitored and not broken up into different “takes”; competing selves or “fonts” or phases that cancel one another out and compete to fix reality at the tempo conducive to their specific existence. For all tempos feed into one another and support/define one another. They are un-viable alone although in our specific range of focus we very often can only attend to one at a time. Often this extends to the range of our memory so that the existence of one in our minds cancels out all memory of the other.

We must therefore leave traces; symbolic markers so that when we are in one reality we have at least the resonance or “taste” of another, even if we can not bring it up as a complete fabric of knowledge when we are taken up in the out-fit of another phase.

Human integrity relies on our ability to find an integrity below and above the obvious contradictions on the sensory, rational, emotional or physical level.

What is generative are the beginnings and endings of any cycle- both distant yet close, in that an end gives rise to a beginning and a beginning to an end. This suggests a clue of how what is most distant is also the closest. Here lies the turning points in the revolution that enables life to continue past singular identities; past singular frames of reference.

It is these points of transmission that are the points that energise.


Routines. Space taken up with closed self-referential attention to a pre-set ruling. Sequences. Strings that must be followed to reach other strings.

Orientation. Navigation outside of this, am accumulation of detris that does not comply with any contactable whole. Directional shift. One falls into the patterns of systems not of ones own making or knowing. Overwhelming danger of annihilation.

Yet the routine splits the person into enforcer of a system and follower of a system. Pressure from within, in order to block out pressure from without. The authoritarian engulfed.

How to give systems a similar basis of internal referencing? Binary opposites- like a pulsing on/off, open/closed. This can be started up anywhere any time with any material accessible by the senses.

Ultimately the senses are re-routed to a “law”, that of binary opposites and this is “played out” in many different lights. There are an infinite number of frequencies or intervals yet it comes down to the same thing- an engagement through an opposing yet compelling bias. A balancing point induced out of the co-ordination of any specific relationship. This balancing point, since it is a dynamic expression of this adjustable see-saw, must by its very nature be sought time and time again in each new arrangements of life.

Systems are not memorised or “played out” as closed bubbles. They emerge out of the environmental conditions that create the tensile structures for each impelling point o f balance. The person, seeker of the “law”, becomes adept at playing themselves or aligning themselves right at the causeway of balance.

They no longer look things up in the “outer world”, they position themselves at such a disposition that everything that surrounds falls into place instantaneously in relation to the primary placement of themselves. The world is reduced. They angle themselves and thus “read” the embedded meaning that was always already there, in the seemingly random placing of all else.

When the relationship is there all else has an aptness simply by being just the way it actually is. This is living in Situ. Not creating a stage-set outside the world, which is prone to collapse or disruption with each new unfolding situation. A house of cards.

These systems of props must initially be imposed as symbolic diving boards into a new experience They are a form of fine-tuning within carefully measured co-ordinates. But then the thing must be allowed to let fly. To expand and play. The garden must erupt into the field and then the world beyond.

The juxtaposition between the past frame and the present re-frame becomes the ultimate contrast. That between what has been monitored as a sounding box; a man-made structure and the wide open space surrounding. Not now so destructive because the garden matrix is carried within, wherever one is and whatever the conditions.

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