Tuesday 8 March 2011


Notes form mid noughties:

Absorption. How to pass through.

Enter and dissipate. This is acknowledgement.

Changing through contact. Dispersing in order to pass through. Then re-gathering again.

The infinitely small swirls like stones at a water’s edge. Catching and re-directing only because the water is in passage. Vaults swing open or ban entry and redirect down another course depending on the force and volition of the water’s current.

The valve is shut or open according to the pressure exerted upon it.

The body an admixture of liquid and solid. What makes it act in either capacity is the pressure exerted upon it.

It can phase its own currents through a shifting contact that recalls it into matter and liquid states alternatively and sometimes simultaneously. This play of form and passageway is the stuff of realignment.

Making connections and recording these episodes occurs by nature of the journeys we make.

The infinitely small is constantly expanding and retreating.

The eye lets in light because the body is a conduit working in apropo. to that specific time and place. A meeting occurs. A sharing of place into an integrity of the whole.

Sentiment is intent reaching across. It is the bridge between beings with this instantaneous eruption from the infinitely small to the great expanse so that distance implodes.

Parts of the body ring together.

People meet.

All our gestures, all our infinitely variable articulations are coursings between above and below.

Between thumb and finger all possibility exists.

Only to find the relationship and the thing unfolds.


Every outside formulation- each line or angle apperceived could become linked to a bodily resistance in the perceiver. Then our bodies have become mirrors of all we need to hold apart. A way to resist.

Let go this resistance and absorb through bodily involvement. Lean into the patterns in order to initiate an extension. Then finding a resting point, stop in order to dwell. Let the pattern again emanate out from within. No harm there.

The body apperceives and acknowledges both pain and resolution. Change happens as a perquisite to rest.

Take each angle to another place of alignment.

Relatedness across distance.


Then in hovering over the water, rest with others.

If you don’t wire into someone’s sensitivity you make of them clots.

Because the semblance of being does not unfold and show itself to you nor you to them.

You are both land-locked and ship-wrecked at the same time. Forlorn.

There is blockage.

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