Tuesday 8 March 2011


Notes recent yrs:

We are aligned in every aspect, implicated by our bearing to a wider passageway.

We hold this passageway open by moving in conjunction with intentions that spin together life into this wide yet directed space.

The place begins somewhere. It goes forward. It re-groups. This is the pattern of thought that leads to the doubling of re-visits that is our reflection. We journey and we return.

For we have a place to be that is contained within even in the journey.

We part the land and the air with our hands and move in. Yet we remain equally where we are, in our bodies, between our hands. A framework. A gage. A measure. The dance is a constant rebound from wall to wall. We play with contact and restriction and this is our freedom. We are none other than ourselves but we are free to move and travel. We tell stories of this because we place it within our own aspect of recognition. It is our language.

Between every gage there is circulation. Each band that circles the chest, the pelvis, the head create an order of circulation. Yet their meeting is where life begins. This meeting between seperate orbits that nevertheless feed into one another- merge and in fact only become seperate systems where they stabilize in our language as seperate localities.

Yet the localities are points of view that are constantly invigorated by re-deployment. New routes and links open up. Tensile response is invigorated by pumping into a temporary restriction. The release is the expession of this built-up charge.

So we have the seasons- Autumn, the keeper, Winter, gestation, Spring, the eruption, Summer, the manifestation. Each prescribed difference is part of a wider pattern of passing on and through.

This passage is what we are in relation to one another and all of life or adaptability is to move with the movement in order to align to these life-passages. We work into invisibility through motion, each response freeing into the next and only registering as the sediments of so many experiences creating a depth through time as Memory and Recollection. This is on-going and determines our presence yet the presence of each action is a moving into the thought of the possible. A convolution of time and space into the immediate emblem of gesture.

Gesture is never solitary. It is the shapes we make between ourselves and other life-forms. The substance is the hollow inverse between our reaching bodies. This reaching is levelled and given direction and tone by other life-forms that are working from different perspectives.

The bridge is the reaching of hands into a unified arch. Two directions meet in this stillness and a multi-dimensional passage becomes an invigoration. Stillness has a running back and forth of movement that is in harmony at every point of initiation.

This matching of points is our alertness, our sensory attentiveness, our ability to launch into the flux in order to sculpt the forms that are our shared emblems.

When there is not this matching to allow the conduits of free circulation whether at the level of cells, organs, human interaction or environmental exchange, then forms become longer hold and extend an even influence which we then recognise as fixed forms.

There is distortion. An impasse in one direction and an extension in another.

These “yearnings” are not completed or resolved through the process of journeying out and back. There is no reflective honing in of shape and meaning and intent, and forms act autonomously.The passageways collapse and the forms impinge on one another.

There may be anger, failure, emotional unease, social tension. Each is for their own.

There is a lurching out of form which does not belong in itself because it is unsupported by a rooting life-system and a circulation of inside to outside. Forms become a slogan: a shout, and there is accident and mal-treatment; strain and unresonsible actions within our own organism and towards others.


To harmonise we need to move into this mass of unmoving visability. To prize a way through. To find a dwelling place within the seemingly most unhospitable place. We need to experimeent with changing shapes,changing locations, creating routes of domesticity from here to there and back again, however mundane they may appear.
This re-routing emphasizes once again a place of value. Then journeys into a giving up of this place in a necessary wider encircling and to then the realignment of this experience back into the place of value. Value of place and invigoration of movement become inherantly related and we gain back the freedom of passage.

Organisms no longer under duress to “snatch” this space of occupancy become the arching of jointly held bridges and passageways. All flows and our hearts are light and inquisitive like the tails of a kite.

We clear away cobwebs, dust out the strangualtion of weeds. All has its place and growth allows a gentle and light touching of tendrils because our rooting system is not muddled by the rooting system of any other. We are no longer in a position of starvation, so we can afford to smile a little. Our step is lighter.

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