Tuesday 8 March 2011

After Scotland Seiki, then “Side By Side” school session: 18.5.07

Not necessary to have a compulsion or even a plan. It is enough to dwell. Sink in- let it catch- and let the breath come. On this expiration the pattern in thought, in physical gesture will emerge. Together it is a feeling. This is the bite in.


The kids understand more than is their initial appearance.

To give credit to what they are about means they will respond and let unfold.

The launching into space and catching back into the ground will be possible.

Meld with the movement, then draw back on the expiration and in the distance between the two they will draw through the thread like beads of dew.

This motivates the overcrowding of too much value in one position to spread through the dissipation of expression.

Pain comes when this is hoarded or stays in one place.

Move in and around.

Then the problem: epilepsy in Shloimy, a tilting back in Malki, will become the solution.

It will be played out as a way of re-routing the centrality at the base. In Shloimy through sudden jolts, in Malki through rotational swaying; falling, catching, pushing, tilting and then a surge of uprightness. In Shloimy the jolting leads to exhaustion, then calm, then internal flickering, then a slow sending out from a warm basis.

Without this catching in nothing occurs. Yet without outer co-witnessing, nothing catches in. Inner leads to outer leads to inner.

Go with the movement up, then angle around and down. Go with the movement to one side, then like rowing a boat, angle to the other side, then support the horizontal.

To go forward, practice falling back, then sending out as the falling is caught, sustained, then becomes a propulsion out like a bouncing ball.

In each dynamic and its reverberation the circle is completed and sent into an inner quiet. Again this creates another echo at the extremities, in gesture, expression, emotion, intent.

But never begin here, with emotion or intent. Begin with the physical sway or rippling. Follow through and meet at its resting point.

Then will occur a paramount motion.

Between the two; what seems to be the pattern or sympton and the inner grain of a counter-motion, will come recognition.

Between the hands. Between the contact of one and another. The meeting our genesis. Enfolding out and dissipating within. This is Gyoki.

At the Heart and Extremity of all.

The kids will teach you how to remember what needs to be said and done as a follow through to where they emerge and again disapear.

People complete one another.

To have this holding space in relation to one another, move and position in order to angle into one pattern.

Then comes speach, movement, song, dance and rest.

This is Community.


Special Needs people teach the value of true energetic community as opposed to repressive social, familial or political obligation where a uniform pattern is superimposed rather than felt out as a coalition between changeable conditions of hard and soft.

Special Needs become very hard or very soft because the connections from one to the other in society, is missing.

By embodying an extreme, Special Needs people therefore tease out a valid or authentic modulation in others who accomodate to catch them and as such catch into their own counter-weight.

We each act for one another as counter-weights that allows the pendulum to keep swinging.

This is Centeredness, felt between an interchange.



The course that we take.

To confirm this as a guided walk.

The same parameters but as a rhythm of circulation.

One way up and around and drop.

 Brief Shiatsu-Seiki notes:

Shloimy: Stomach eruption.

Hands in mouth to make himself vomit.

Grasp flesh- around St. 23, G.B 25

Around and up- suspend, then drop and reposition inward to lower back and up through K, Bl then up into Ht, Lung.

Then let fall back down like vapour setting. When it reaches low ground, it will be gently heated: Ht-Kid interaction, Ming-Men, and will slowly spread out.

ie: Use the extremity of the condition, and meet it at its penultimate point (St. Vomit). Grasp and raise in order to then let fall back down and rise through connection at base- level.

Meet extremity with extremity as one point in a round tour.

To reach top of mountain, start at stagnant lake- go through corridor of valley. Then up the mountain by circumvention. Then peering down, go through rocks, down with the descending trickle of fresh water stream- back to lake which will be replenished thus far, through this journeying.

We are keepers of the land and the land is a keeper of us.


At the point of near-collapse an eruption.

Here is the beginning.

It is a borderland.


The key to all this is in feeling.

And feeling is in the gaps between contact.

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