Tuesday 8 March 2011


Notes from recent yrs:

Our limbs are feelers out into the atmosphere pervading in every direction. They both suck in and pour out until the space just beyond our closed forms is an adjunct of rapidly moving exchanges. Whether these exchanges is the dance and emblem of filaments, particles or gases is unimportant. Only that there is this rapid attention and movement just beyond what is seemingly still and fixed.

Our limbs feel into the earth and reach into the sky. We are hinged between above and below in a far wider space than that which we ourselves occupy alone. Because aloneness is untenable. We are related in ways that implicate all that is beyond with all that is within. The inside turning out and the outside turning in again. This undulation is what creates our tenancy. The pieces shift so that the pattern may renew.

Our movement, our speech, our every gesture are responsive as an atunement within this dissipating environment. We grasp and collect, pull down and offer up.

Our ankle movements are not just a swishing of an ankle bone. This articulation is the rooting response of the foot as it adjusts and stabilizes in connection with each minute spatial realignment of the body. The body is forever falling into density and rebounding into lightness, ricocheting between earth and sky. The ankle movements are linked right through the body which is a conduit fine tuning our bearing between horizontality and linearity.

These on/off pulses of adjustment rapidly pump into a rotation which is the body’s gift. This rotation is the catching and letting go of posture. The holding tensile pose and the falling away into body weight like the flapping of bird’s wings that sends those outwards and wraps them back around the body. Every fall becomes the rotary of another lift affecting and transforming the air-currents that propel a given weight onwards.

With the bird it is the gestures themselves which create the favourable air-currents just as in human affairs our basic motor movements create the web of intricacy which is our emotional and social life.

The movement charges the feeling and brings it forth. The feeling is the affirmation of a pattern of renewal which operates beyond the threshold of what is apprehended. The scope is both wider and smaller then our own identifiable pockets of intent. Yet because we link our intentions to this arena, the arena carries us along in its air currents whilst adapting to our movements. These passageways open up when there is an alliance with what is beyond and what is within- with the explicit far-view and the inherent formative movement which in any process of becoming actual, are indiscernibly linked and co-mingled and so never really two separate things at all.

So this rooting down with our foot through the anklebone is not just a searching out below but is linked to the girdle, the shoulder, the head and the space beyond the head.

We draw lines with our body- a unique and subtle re-atunement moment by moment like a script that can only be read within a wider landscape or universe. We receive these messages of how to be through our lived body.

There is no one place for the eye, the ear, the nose. We are touching through on all surfaces.

We make contact through the hard and the soft; the substantial and the insubstantial, feeling out pockets of air as we move through undifferentiated warmth, than make contact with a cold and abrupt surface- modelling, as our contact informs us- falling and catching to strike poses which are pivots where energy is accumulated as tensile junctions that are the power houses to further action. Bearings, emphasis of a certain kind, thoughts and impressions accumulate at these collecting points. Then, swirling into outward eruptions they move on before again containing into given forms. This is our special dance with one another and with our planet.

We press down with one foot to pull up diagonally with an arm. Pressure in one place creates release in another. This is how we pump and charge and stamp our celebration of life.

When something condenses in one place but is not sent forth into an expansiveness somewhere else that is when there is a separation. Ourselves and the universe appear at loggerheads and this bracing without release causes damage to our form or internal organs.

Any treatment, health or educational programme must seek to address this static separation and to re-employ a living system within the true context in which it grows, develops and renews its own pattern and the pattern at large.

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