Tuesday 8 March 2011


Recent past notebooks:

How to make the separation of elements ring together as one. To connect these points as tissue which stretches over the shape of ones expression. No separation between these ever changing expressions and the seed of ones growth -. Capability a meeting. No time to fall in the interstices.

A song that flows out from the centre and is not caught in leaning back on itself before it is done. A simple movement. Self-contained yet prescribed outwards. Coming out without needing to be read simultaneously. Belief in the centre of this message to direct a bearing. Expression then occurs naturally.

Same with jointly held space between people. It expands into movement and gesture or when returned into the seeds of intimacy can be brought back into simple contact of the one with the other.

Here we sit around a fire. Or spin to the outer periphery of a field. What is known at the edge is also returned to the centre. There is guidance and direction in each phase through a central living momentum.

The rope held tight at one end swings free at the other. It creates a buzz in the air. A resonance that includes and embodies within all that it touches.

The separation of bodies in a garden comes together in the pathways they follow. There is an interstice. A cross-stitching of these multiple directions that stills into contemplation.

There is regard even in seemingly separate pockets of experience. Different levels of up and down. Throwing energy up in the fire. In floating banners of colour in the wind. In all that is light and travels upwards. The head over heels bouncing over the ground.

The shattering and awakening of abrupt counter-flow. Then the descent moving inwards. The ash as it falls. The water from buckets of collected rain-water. Decomposition and sinking in to the ground. Contact with the damp grass. Sustained contact as one lifts back down from being lifted up. The quiet flow that settles after all eruption finds its place anew. Both up and down, out and in, are breaking across one another constantly. This is the fabric of our memory, as we hold together even in our separation.


There is an outreach or reaching out. We are the culmination or counter-balance that stretch out and interlink the distances between things and people. The centre holds firm because it needs to as the basis for these counter-weights. We are positioned in order to provide a maximum flow between the visible embrace of ourselves and others. This is ease of body and freedom in thought and movement whether minute or expansive. We are still, because the adaptations in order to keep the passageways open are on-going. A constant sensing and re-orientation from the centre outwards. Therefore the extremities are loose yet conscious, moving from the pivot of our inner bearings that exist only in relation to the inner bearings of all other life-forms. Distance becomes home. Expansiveness has an intimacy.

Simply “to be” relies on these fine filaments of sensing. These tendrils that seek out one another and wrap around every possible permutation. The connection is maintained whatever the passing shape or position. One shift involves a simultaneous shift in the texture that begins where we are now and travels to what we can not perceive or know. Yet something entices and enables us to shift our position so as to keep the vaults of transparency open, from one to another.

The message gets through and is known even as it is sent by our adaptive shape. We seek out the easy and the comfortable. Thus the connection is maintained. Smilingly it has a feeling of aptness.

There is nothing that we can approach or prize open. It is timeless. Both instantaneous and never-ending. Because there is no final shape. No mark of what we are and what we may move to. We punctuate the land but the quality of this punctuation is always a reinvention. We enliven the land through this transmutation, then blinkingly in the interstice of this revolution, we acknowledge one another.

This is where “mind” is set.

The Autist regards the wider picture but can never be simultaneously in the right place to express it. The smile nevertheless still lingers but can not look back on itself if it is wider than any one being. But in a brief touch the person is met and is wholly answerable.

Co-ordination and language depends fore mostly on all these other connections wider than what at present we conceive to be the boundaries of self and self-approbation to be.

“Regard” is fore mostly in our bearing towards “others”. For these bearings to be relevant they must be forever adaptable at many different scales of operation. There must be an open passageway of translation between these different scale dimensions.

“Mind” is the projection of the body into a space unknown which has yet been enlivened by all these other connections abounding. What is minute within is a resolution of the vast landscape without. This formulation can also be reversed.


We anticipate our sure-footing because the fabric is woven simultaneously between every living being. It is therefore a rightfulness to progression. Space is given. Then filled. There is a waiting preparation. Then a brief occupancy. Then a letting go. This is the way of life acknowledged by the living and given to one life by the another. We all give and we all receive in order to co-ordinate our movements – Our beckoning into a space and our moving out, is how we make way for one another.

Contact is this dance of involvement and widened re-affirmation from a still place where all further rotation can be witnessed. Before once again we too become part of this spiral charge. We forever change places, taking on different roles in this ever lasting dragon’s dance.


Twist the combination-lock until there is a breathing through with the environment at large. All else that is good health and fortune will follow.

This is true meditation- attunement.

One’s means of expression whether through art or language or gesture only makes sense when there are reverberations of this comprehensive inter-locking canopy of energetic associations. This web of cross-stitchings of attraction and detraction that cancel one another out to create a way through of conflicting directions and the melting away of forms thus erected in a dialogue of transmutation; of interlocking and give-way; of holding together and passing through.

Within the micro and macro environment of social, political, cultural, ecological credentials, a melody rises, making of the context an invisible net, seeming to rise out of the volition of will yet residing and being born out of this mesh.

Without this frame of reference the language, gesture, expression and art-works fold and refolds back on itself becoming heavy or else trails off into wisps of non-entity.

For a consciousness that is balanced between growth and completion a context of operation must be held firm.

Many strains on communication and volition occur because at some level, whether micro-energetically, socially or ecologically, the mesh has been insulted. Then there is no sure footing.

The mesh must be repaired simultaneously to the organism gaining a sure foot-hold.
Sure-foothold depends on there being somewhere to put ones` foot.

We can only know where we are going when there is the possibility and hope of somewhere to go.

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