Tuesday 8 March 2011

Playing speeds

Notes  2009

Run a speed for an orientation of dynamic alignment to set in. That will be when gesture or beat is so swift and immediately tangled in upon one another that the positions are marked but not known/seen. For image, personhood, verbal language would not cohere at this level. But afterwards for these marked orientations, the traces that they leave; the social, the language, the affability can be played back through like applying a certain dye to a fabric or a negative film and seeing the image emerge.

This does not mean that those images are hidden or sunk inside a seeming blankness. It means that we cognitively build into form the position and orientation we in fact make at a far more refined level of continuous process or being.

Yet we never see/grasp or feel that being but come to it in the fragments of surfaces, sound frequencies, textured interfaces that then sound out- a linkage which our positioning and displacement sets in motion.

We think through these fits in a mode that has no sense of fit; no inward/outward for it is at that level that contrast itself is pumped into being. There is an interplay where what stares out and what enmeshes onto a depth sensation is continuously beaten back an forth; played with.

This game or gaming is how we come into processes alignment with one another.

Intelligence is in a rhythm that distinguishes and levers around stops and starts. With that all the frames of representation unfurl, like a paper flower in water. Outside of that, nothing occurs.

There can be incompletion as an invitation; an outward reach; music, pictures, habitats that enclose into what they are at the moment of entry, touch, a sending out and a listening in. That is resonance; the charge through which things hang together.

This is relatedness.

There is nothing inherent in a body, a mind, a home which only configures in one aspect or another, when this charge is activated.

There is a lot of hurt in the world because people think that the only part of them that will be accepted is that which coheres at the fixed level of image. They pile up signification upon signification until it holds heavy and burdensome. It is never referred back into the gauges of alignment through which it once- at a very specific moment- occurred and dissipated.

When these levels are engaged in it is felt as pain, vulnerability and so this invitation to re-formulation back through the surfaces of the categorical social sense is turned down. Many people get hurt or dissipated in that process of closure and limitation. Yet it is unfathomable and in times of joy or crisis when transformation is on-going it becomes the workable tract once again between sentient beings.

This is how disability is worked up as it comes and goes; is done and undone according to the subjective affability of all those around who intuit and make one another what they are.

Cognitive function and dysfunction occur then not at the level of pre-set intelligences but according to alignments and varying depths of felt responsiveness that create channels of meanings between entities.They are first and foremost conduits of passageways and channels with a possibility of flow that work to become correspondent alignments at ever more diffuse circuits of resonance that systematically cobble together or close off varying gateways. It is the void, the gateway, the fission out of which converge the body, the mind, the being of form and information; of knowledge, consciousness and affability that are the conjured up affects of these interim spaces.

Presence and absence is part of the same set of gestures just as shadow and light discern one another.

How can we bare the blinding light without the border reference around it?

We carve out the border reference in our every move. Or else face one another into the blindingness of a continuous stare.

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