Saturday 11 October 2014

Touch as a wider Positioning

Touch as a wider positioning.

What is its trajectory? It's circulatory routes?

Touch- staying for long enough to receive impact of touch- and for it to begin this journey of translation- articulation though the body and into a wider set of relationships; an environment that we are a part of.

Sense impressions: Hot/Cold, pressure/release, compression/relaxation, Heaviness/lightness- position; enclosure: place/movement, distribution, re-distribution.

Then colour, sound as atmospheric intensities- felt through entire body- qualities of immersion that the body becomes.

Moods,emotions- felt affectivities.
And imagery, symbolism, imagination, aesthetic art/music, architecture-- language

In common with others who also feel through this body sensing

Empathy- to stay long enough to co-attune.

Not to be in fight/flight mode and so jolt continually out of contact.

Then felt impressions, shared immersions- become shared journey.

Circulatory systems- internal and organism-environment- as co-evolving single system that homoeostatically self-regulate.


Therefore Touch- Spacial distribution/composition through Time

Health-Art-Environment as one-

Our shared body redistributing in ambient sensations, atmospheres of resonant sound, colour velocity, shape, speed, dynamic, viscosity

Into visionary forms as dreams, images, stories, songs, pictures, sculpture, buildings, landscapes, rooms, parks, nature reserves, factories, waste disposal sites, ships, shops, museums and community groups, political parties, wars, social parties, groups, exclusions to groups; what is seen/what is prohibited form being seen

Attention- non-attentiveness- patterns of inclusion and exclusion.

Therefore any rights movement must address health: Art :Environment as one.

Because perception is based around sensory permission- and where this staying long enough to experience true contact has been prohibited or abused creating fear, anger, blocking, there will be a knock on affect to perception, imagination, symbol making, empathy, and verbal and non-verbal communication.

A system of careful attunement needs to be an on-going practise  not to redress the wrong and normalise/cure a person but to align into a sensitised sensory, perceptual, emotional and neurological system so as to utilise this abundance and propensity of unbridled affectivity.

Not therefore to numb the affects  but to utilise them in connective attunement.

as Health- in Touch Therapy
as Culture- in utilising ambient sound, colour, viscosity, weight, speed in imagery, music, stories etc
as Environment- in the placement of people and objects in real-time and in real space and the dynamic movement and transformation of these brief positions as part of a trajectory that harnesses and holds lightly in a tensile set of movement possibilities, neurological, occupational, play and artistic patterns.

These patterns to become communicative styles that is a real practise built up and mediated, navigated through co-responsiveness- so that this culture becomes  workable according to  the neurological , emotional, perceptual , communicative patterns as they NOW are and in that way creates a valid tenure out of which real and authentic contact is truly felt and so patterns of movement through the body, through the environment, into symbols, support networks and communicative styles can be realistically built.

This as preferable to imposing a bench-mark of Health, Art and Environment out of which all bodies- seen as functional or dysfunctional- must more or less- as best they can - adhere to.

No. Rather it is the moment by moment real responsiveness  and the recalibration of affects- of touch, sound, temperature, speed, light, pressure, and the intervals between these various depth readings that build up as accumulative layers, a nuanced reading that is apt in the moment; Truly a co-witnessing.

Only this to be a true meeting- where both adjust int he very momentum and pacing of that meeting.

Upon this rests the resources to build up imaginative worlds that are not split off as fantasy but relay back into the felt body as the container and containment through which symbolic worlds weave in and out-  as metaphors of the body- through; imagery capacities, utterance capacities, verbal symbolic meaning. These are second order layers resting on the secure foundation of truly nuanced holding of care-giver to cared for ( Health) and more and more the coming into active responsiveness of the cared for as a co-interdependence with carer who  becomes a foundation for later relationships of equal co-witnessing; where  there is a sense of dynamic articulation  and circulation even as one stays still within a nurturing contact or moves independently playing, making, building and imagining.


Bowlby: Secure attachment
Winnicot: Playing and reality
Merleu Ponty: The Phenomenology of Perception
Klein: Love, Guilt and Reparation
Intensive Interaction: Phoebe Caldwell

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