Thursday 30 October 2014

Falling and catching; the pulse of our being

Catching into a pulse. Movement is the passenger to this momentary falling and sending back through.

Gesture/intake is fastened upon this momentary beat- of touching down and taking up; the first translation.

We utilise our gravitational flux and the stiffness this impinges on our nervous, excitary and muscular system in order to sustain a position and then to move in one direction or another.

Yet this is not a constant thread. It is a continuous on-off pulsation of beats; of catching and falling in variations of depth, pressure, speed.

In this sense there is no single time or place of impulse. It is always this on-going translation just as there is no single limb or brain area in which we rely on a certain faculty or sensation and its execution in motor control or consciousness.

There is a constant relay.

As in M, I sense how the pulsar attunement with the back of his head- where the falling impulse can be directly activated, flows into grasp and reach of his hand. And yet this is not a direct messenger route. Rather it is a catching and tightening and release endlessly; in the throat, face, lips, chest; the fascia below the ribs, into the hips, sacrum and opening through the groin, into the legs and knees, ankles and feet. Through this working arch, the felt dimensionality of a hand rising- supported in mine- becomes the flicker pulsation of this gesturing and unfurling around widening contours and currents activated initially by a non-local falling impulse.

By triggering and harnessing this falling impulse internally, M is learning to activate his hands and fingers and to explore his surroundings by messaging me directly at the level of muscle activation. Through the direct engagement of this contact, his hand in mine, his hand and fingers become the differentiated tendrils of an exploratory organism as a direct flow that is felt in my muscles and nerves. And so with minute degrees of tension and release we move as one. But yet it is clear to me that M is messaging into me in this near simultaneous evocation and resolution in a continuous movement pattern.

We are working below the threshold of conscious activation- of goal and its implementation through a target.

Rather we are working through the falling reflex into patterns of shared expression and consolidation along a mid-line that exists- according to each gravitational situation- as a particular way of being throught he body and is translated into every other kind of momentary sound, visual, tactile resolution. We are channelling into these simultaneous currents- out of our communality of falling and catching. And out of it M is learning to hold lightly- as if flowing in water- his head, limbs and body organs; to rely on a spaciousness emanating through bodies as one.

It is through meeting an appointed connection- in falling fully and then in fully having the support of the ground; or of another, that the falling gathers into the multi-directional context of uprightness and spacial orientation.

Thought, language, memory relies on this pivotal human capacity for uprightness in order to tune into particular positions and to go off-centre without losing in the body-schema a sense of the upright mid-line. This again and again is strengthened and re-drawn by going into these tangents of swaying, rocking, tilting and jolting in order to find in this life movement a cross-section stillness that is made out of every new turn; a floating effortless sense of being and of being lightly with another. Upright, but in the manner of falling.

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