Tuesday 13 August 2013

Opportunistic Enclosures

Each point to flower out into unforetold stories not as the revealment of anything more essential that lies up until then covered. But by creating a connectivity that is apt in that moment. Allowing the timbre of its sounding to strike open and move freely as the splaying out of many tendrils at once. This is automatic- a touching in and a release. So that the feeling tone of receptivity is the perceptual field that splays out like the scent from a dispersive field of wild flowers filled with the yet more distant fumes of a large busy city of engine fuel and fragrant body odour mixed in with ungraspable conversations  that wane on the wind. And the body fills and is filled in and emptied in this swaying momentuum that meets and empties by degrees each tangent and turn of this multi-directional regard.

The chest and solar plexus opens as the lower belly and sacrum settle into a breathing pulsation rooted from top to bottom to make one single line cut into mid-sections that only align through the momentum of the lived space, leveling and binding into one, this ever-present tendency to go up and down indefinitely. And in the balance between these tendencies an axis is borne between the neck and the lower sacrum in which the flowering of the senses are free to sway back and forth, rooted as they are deep into the earth. There is an opening of the throat, a maleabilty of the lips and the nostrils flair slightly and quiver open and closed as the atmosphere travels freely over the small hairs attached to blood vessels deep inside the nose cavity. The arms flay upwards and the ribs seems to move in tandem away and towards one another, creating small velocites of stretch and relaxation as minute levels of local tension are built and folded back into and out of one another, concertina-like. The hips begin to turn around the softened belly that like a liquid pool which is well ordered by the tight containment of the banks at either side, dips downwards like water pouring into a fold and cauterizes at a binding dip into the lower back that open back out and becomes the bones of the pelvic girdle radiating forcefully downwards into strong bones, muscles and sinews of the thighs and legs. These then swirl around the knee junction, than continue into the tendrils at the back of the foot; the ankles, where the whole capacity of swivel in minute degrees of cessation and release;  found like reverberant reflections in the body torso, the shoulders and neck, is funneled now into this small arena just before the probing and planting of the feet. These splayed out coursers of th ebones of the feet  thta then sperate and continue to grow into the toes, are both on the surface and probing deep deep down into the labrynth channels of the unseen earth below; the potential for growth.

For the rising up and flourishing of a human being rests here, guided as it is by this very life-form; the swaying tilting re-calibration at every minute tangent of existance, reformulating the tilt of the hips, the torsion of the rib-cage and all the organs it contains. The gentle pulsing re-alignment of the neck muscles, the throbbing inside the throat that widens ever further into the full vocal range expressed in a call and the attendance to the reply and the opening out through the eyes of vision and regard that fine-tune our placement in relation to the axis of the sky-earth and all that reveals itself to us in the space between.

For it is in this firing out into the reach of this and that as momentary excitations that come and go, that this spherical episodic unlocatebale presence comes to gradually arrive even as it retreats far faster. It is in the cascade and the meshing that this allows into the very fibres of this breathable flesh-environment; into the idea of a movement yet to be completed, that this two-way pulsation locks and unlocks like the ventrilces of our own heart, this partial and opportunistic enclosure that we are.

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