Tuesday 13 August 2013

Empty Diagram

The image is not stable. It is re-settling as it reaches the paper. It is making itself. In this sense it echoes the human capacity for self-reflection though in a more impersonal and dissipated form. In that sense it has a different kind of intelligence not tethered to narrow self-definition but more open to an enquiry about a wide field of inter-penetration across duration. It is an intelligent form that in this very form is curious about the conditions of its own emergence. In that sense it must also be curious about its interdependance into realms not contained within the graphic or pictorial setting. It may alude to sounds, smells, velocities, kinaesthethic waves of movement and to the vast swathes of open space that run through the prohibitions of buildings, bodies and objects and yet use these as the conduit and reflexivity of its becoming. In the silence and containment of the picture lies a realm made untouchable, non-coherant in that exclusivity. Yet reading back from the form to the conditions of its arising, these unacknowledged primers that halt and so than allow to flow with increased force directives that are uni-directional and on-going, a wider realm is aluded to even in the silence of a wordless diagram.

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