Monday 5 April 2010

Touch: the on-off phase is how we make space: Shiatsu Treatment

19.3.2010 5.30pm

Stopping and starting are known through on-off touch. Touch as the slowing of speed like the chewing gum-mud floor we encounter that acts as a signal pause through its affect. Yet it only becomes something to invigorate and communicate in the spacing it intuits when that touch is let off. A reversal giving of space after the crush-containment-hindrance of this journey which doubles and re-doubles in on itself, intensifying in thickness or depth, skating over and over the same portion, building texture before the lid is lifted and that build up of potential is seized back into visibility-action. A pop-up action that rolls across the land that may be a tumbling back into locomotion or a semblance of information or know- how. The viscosities of containment and release put into a working device that is a consciousness of its own process. A lineage between the good stuff and the bad stuff in its organization. All useable.

The treatment process- this containment; feeling of the repercussions of muscle groupings and breath fighting breath as in gasps of air swallowed and kept down. Air rising in jitters. Eruptions. Socially unacceptable gasps that are o.k. The outlet is communication. The on-off touch crunches the containment and release in one single phase. The off touch- a leap of spaciousness: Of consciousness. A place to go for all this aggravation of over-crowding. A thousand riddles coursing under the skin blown smooth before a new set kicks in. This occurs over and over. It is a making assembly got at bit by bit. In the pacing between on-off. It is a space full of different viscosities put up against one another, in their working response.

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