Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Dam Release

A session with M today at the school. He is coming into contact. Getting stronger- I am feeling his presence. He is using his own jerks and spasms as brief excitations - just before release. I am using this same pattern- high-lighting  the blockage like a small dam build-up - then to let go- give space and let the pattern flow out as if from a nebulae that splays cylindrically all the way out. Shiatsu/Seiki touch is this- it is  the precision intervention of a blockage- not in fact a circulation or balancing act. For in and of itself it can do nothing- or perhaps nothing other than provoke and heighten a compulsion that has become a habitual gaurding into an interior. By piggy-backing on this same pattern it flips it back out- provoking the halt or seizure at a precise juncture then as the liquid flow builds up and builds up, it creates this momentary swelling- like an over-flow- and then as the contact is released there is a vacuum that immediately is flooded with a charge of substance that goes in a multi-directional way from centre-point both centrifugally and as an outwards dissipation. This double-move creates a momentary suspension- like a line drawn in the sand- a marking- an indentation- which is timeless, spaceless. Thereupon this void arises a back-swell back into livingness and - like a man choking whose channels are filled with water, there is a sudden eruption and the passages clear themselves out by the kick-start engagement  that this provocation and turbulance creates. Out of the ground-swell there comes a magnetic pull the other way like the pull of the tide back towards the ocean current and into its dark depths- sucking back into its own integrity and force from the sandy shores where it ceaselessly comes and goes.

So with M he is learning to orientate his limbs, his internal organs, his breath, his bowel movements, his heart beats and his voice all from the same source. This catching in and exposition out that occur simultaneously as a double-take that is extensive and recursive- that is manifest and deep within the fold; that is the point of contact- of communication- and the point of seperation; of reliance and independance, joy and pain, elaborate through one another becoming the play of one another; a dance of up and down, in and out that together create a small insertion- a pause-gap through which we glance back at ourselves with humour and kindness, then let it go and sow the seeds of this merging with other, as  the preliminary of our aperception of another.

Only in this unity where we get to feel the biting in of force and counter-force curling in and out of one another; upon the banks of one another- do we then have the imagination to interact with another- as a part of ourself that we hold apart - and then leap over through this man-made gulf to create emergant patterns- signs and symbols- communication networks- soundings and vibrations; the pulsar on-off vibrations of  muscular contractions and their instantaneous release. It is the release- the letting go- the streamng through which is the journey of our seeing/feeling/kinaesthethic volitional action. Yet it is set on the banks of a seizure- a near-death interiority- a contraction that seems endless- leading towards oblivion- until miraculouly it stops- glances back at itself like a mirror gazing at its reversed image- and then unfolds back into exposition. For this miracle of reversal is life- it is health- it is well-being.

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