Tuesday 3 June 2014

After Session with M. (Seiki reformulated)

To describe this experience is to gradually take out the parts of notable doing. For there is nothing else to do than work from out of the absence of this habitual stiffness. In this child a rigidity so full it blanks out the possibility of receptivity.

Yet there are layers underneath layers. Impossible realms that do not exist except in counter-point to the vacant fullness of this distressed absenting of a child's hope.

Gather than into the fullness and rest. Stay quiet, attentive and in every small degree of un-bunching of this knot as it repositions momentarily from here to there give space accordingly.

Finally the space is the space of an enquiring mind that forms into the vacancy outside of the pressure to remove itself with further tightening. For I too remove myself- wider into a dispersed arena of circulation- the sounds, feelings, touch and sensations of a mobile environ. So that I too am in the space together with the child absenting from the impossibility of grasping tight and so coming back around with inquisitiveness, freedom and hope.

This loosening of the mind is simultaneous to the loosening of the body. Like bunches of clung-together soil becoming successively porous and aerated. Each particle a separate piece in the ground orientation that gathers or redistributes as needs be.

So alignment through the body and the gestures that follow is predominately this tilting in and out of balance; this moving through the mid-line so that no angle carries the locked weight of a closed and private pocket but is a movement on the way through to those brief resting points of uprightness where vertebra upon vertebra stack up upon one another with optimum mobility in choosing each particular course of action as it follows.

As the extremities of hands, feet and head become more engaged and are pushing through out of the ground-base stability of a contained environment so the body is able to move not as a solid fixed mass, but in the intricacies of each movable part, like so many animals creating a collectivity that dialogue between themselves only to appear fully coherent and conversant in the brief and shimmering brightness of the eyes that flickers on and off.

This is joy. Song comes out of this unbidden and the child is there with you in all their open potential.

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