Tuesday 17 September 2013


Integration is not an immediate thing. There is a slur- a slight incongruity- a gap that opens up between  any alignment in address. This is useful. Because it buzzes and ticks in the vibration of the gap. The mismatch is an incognito abatement. Something that is shifting even as it appears still and is held in this nudging gesture of abeyance swivelling towards a meeting that is only on passing met. It's like trying to open a safe by switching one way and then another- a fraction here and a fraction in reverse as the clicks of alignment bring one into a sense of getting hotter or getting colder by minute degrees.

In the address of one person to another this is never completely there. It is not completable because that would lock out the dynamic co-adjustments out of which contact or the idea of contact is sought and lost, lost and found over and over in a piecemeal fashion. For there can be no conglomeration into that appearance for that would then melt into everything with no location or it would fix into a smaller and smaller point of intensification and disappear internally.

Between dissipation and solidification there is the idea of  a contact running through every mismatch and chance brush that can never be known or planned in advance. It is a choreography with no written score. A tuning into a resonance that at one moment is compelling and at  perhaps the very same moment is unbearable- deafening.

What does it mean to hear- to turn and orientate one' own emissions into the atmospheric sound waves that reach towards the sense of where one is and then bounce off, converted and revitalised by this internalisation-externalisation which is all as one. The giddying sway of our bodies along a swaying axis that is reset against an uneven ground is the same as our gestures towards one another and is where body-environment swims in the same medium as both all-of-apiece and as a relatively separate location out of which sounds, gestures and movements topple endlessly. In this busy-nes where there is a loose attention to a point of resonance where tones or vibrations not actually generated in the original emissions are somehow set free into the to and fro of grasp and letting go there is this moving in the line of a synchronicity whereby at a certain point all extremes merge and throw out reflective tangents of one another. And they are cancelled back down to nought and in the silence of this immediate but instantaneously vanishing point there is a a kind of facing- a kind of physical alignment emanating out from the lower spine and belly in two directions simultaneously up out of the neck and throat and head and down into the pelvis and sitting bones, the thighs, ankles and feet.

The heart opens and the breath comes freer and freer as articulation that is not signalling anything but simply a cry of connection- a link in a chain that is wider and further than any single being. And as the heart and chest opens further, the arms float outwards effortlessly of their own accord and the fingers unfurl. The air on the skin, in ones nostril, on ones lips vibrates as if in a tumbling ricochet and then through the connectivity  and bringing into oneness of our body at this location at this time there is an instantaneous reaching and merging with all that appears other. Both time and space dissolve out of this point and run their course onwards and outwards and this becomes a feeling of spaciousness; of there being all the time in the world and simply we stand where we are lightly and in tune with one another.

(Some thoughts after the 1st singing workshop with Jamie Mcarthy and linking this loosely to feelings about meeting and beginning to work with hearing impaired children)

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