Friday 19 April 2013


A gesture or inclination towards a certain tendency and how that plays out through the body is the feeling; the idea that reaches through the body. That is connection. Connection is not about a specific intention towards someone or about some issue already in our stock of memory and available imagery. It is something forging into existence there and then; a reaching through a touching into by going through the demarcation even as that borderline is alluded to. We are playing on and off from the there/not thereness of something both definite and untouchable. The fact that we go through these borderlines does not mean we do not reach towards or away from, solidify in condensation or dissipate through the breath. The push-pull of these polarities works together. They create the knot of a forbearance that is situated and shifted, unravelling through its own placement over and over. This is the there/not thereness of our lives where we fill and vacate, creating the circumstances for movement guided on a thread that is playing into countless directives like a game patterning itself though experiential and perceptual shifts that free up further directives by erasing over and over again every impression of momentary dwelling. These dwelling points and the directives they map out; between up and down, in and out, tilting this way and that, balancing on a precipice and falling or flying as an impulse fuelled by these vacancies, is the tipping and tilting circular directive that only knows itself through partial memory. So a tendency to go up goes so far and then reverse into down; a tendency to go forward backtracks in a looped reversal to go backwards. These polarities that seem so exclusive in the singular act of their journey always revers into their contradiction.  And in that word- Contra-diction; against speech, speech evolves in the fluidity of a metaphor that wherever it is placed always alludes to its background context- the twin opposite which will eventually replace it or further it into a differing dimension. As this pattern plays out triangulating itself into and out of each course, straight lines begin to bend and a spherical placelessnes becomes this journey/prohibition, bouncing and redoubling out of a deadlock into a  furtherance of this journeying.prohibition.  This winde/unwinde is a passage of effect that need not know itself  for there is no grand gestalt- no completion of the plan into which we can gaze down and learn by heart. Heart indeed is this willingness to enter into the patterning of the pattern. To get lost in the discomfort or ease that the details bring up and simply to remain until the reversal takes the pattern a little further.

We are swaying and necessarily pulsating between tendencies wrought to us as inclinations or flavours, images or points of recognition. These memory traces seem to reflect a whole that we are constantly alluding to, stretching towards. But they are more like small indications and prompts that are exactly what they are- fragmented and very specific interventions that call into a responsiveness either as a momentary seizure of a movement or as its continuation as repetition, inflection, reversal or re-calibration and that pose a question in us that is never finalized and impossible really for us to formulate. The idea to move, or make a gesture or communicate is bubbling up in these small  high speed affective pulses that are born and die on the wind of our unthinking responsiveness- to fold out, fold in, tilt forward or backwards, upwards or downwards. And this movement in itself powers directives that pool here and here and then here into moments of confluence that then give rise to dissipation and the momentary sense of a greater spaciousness. Over and over again these reversals of containment and release pulse between on/off, open and closed.  We gain a sense of mindfulness only as part of this pulsing dichotomy that somewhere indeterminate in between all that can be alluded to, begins to play out in the actual situation of its arising.

Gradually the body becomes unintended from itelf and is a series of connections between movements, gestures and momentary pauses that manifest in and beyond the body and through which the body shows its form. These are carried through temperature and light gauges, velocity and speed thresholds.Thought is the pulsing between emptied residue and reformulation as the body disintegrates and remakes itself on the cusp of this versatile connectivty

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