Friday 5 October 2012

Bodies that move anyway

The tilting sway and catching in of bodies that are made and unmade on the roll is not as hazardous as it may appear. Not even something to be eradicated with the proper kind of interventions and encouragement. It's the questioning and curiosity of our envelopment in a wider mass that is all pervasive and is a co-shaping. Not just these bodies here and there in their immaculate and stationary uprightness- a near picture perfect representation of all that is worthy and eager to be counted. That is false. We need to slip from this; to generate all the uncertainty and muddle in order to orientate first in this catchment and then in that. there is no correct positioning for all time. What works here is too forward or too hesitant, too much of a lurching leftwards or rightwards in the next instance. It's a working leverage that settles down in order to simultaneously spread and lighten and that this is only a feeling sense of give and resistance in which each juncture draws out the act according to what is possible out of this meshing. Every slight mediation in absorption or propulsion never stands alone but is layered one on top of another yet it is only the surface as it is met at each moment that fashions that precise level of experience. These tilts and sways of perturbation are a rolling cycle that is self correcting only out of the turbulence it exists within. We cannot do away with this turbulence; pretty it up and air-brush the imperfections of inappropriate swaying in the Autist, spasm and shudder in the one with cerebral palsy. Every sway is a patterning and description out from an invisible mid-line. Does this mid-line exist? This perfect ridgepole of exactitude and human uprightness and stabilisation of body, mind and emotion? It only exists in relief as the abstraction of all the lurching this way and that; the executive mismanagement and organisational blips whether in bodies, neighbourhoods or countries through which ideals are extracted like an elixir that is left after the boiling process practicaly removes all liquid and all signs of life. This will leave us thirsty- but it is an archaeological dream come true- the perfect human who on the touch will implode into dust. Looking and admiring from afar is possibly the best vantage point for seeing this totalising aspect of mankind.

In Education, Therapy and the day to day trials of doing the shopping, getting on a bus and making a meal, the perspective has a way of constantly shifting. What is this aggravation that seems to well up within us and outside us as we come into contact with this or that kind of physical or social terrain? It is us- in relation to this or that. Because we only come into that particular being in relation to soemthing. That can never be got away from. Modulation or adaptation therefore is not a "making do" or a civilising consequence of learning the right rules and a set of good manners. It's this turning and inflecting in relation to a certain call for inflection drawn out of the conditions of the ground or context as it is met. Safety is going with the flow because wherever we are drawn is the right place to be if we remain in tune to the particular soundings we are entering. Noise or irritation is only where this sounding is resisted and we stand cocooned in our own immaculate uprightness. We are actually mostly clumsy, making do, shuffling, stumbling, correcting and losing the thread only to catch in again here or there on the fly as if a bird were circling in a such a wide orbit that it periodically diapered and reappeared and it was only through faith alone that we tied in this beautiful patterning as integrated field rather than as moments of gain and loss.

The more we stumble the more flashes of thought and image flare up and then die away again. This can create a rumbling stream of stuff and it is impossible to catch on to every passing one because as we chase  the one, more keep coming. It;s then that the stumbling becomes relentless as we try to catch up with a sense of the immaculate ridgepole through which clarity of the whole field is supposedly possible. But this vantage point does not  seem to be forthcoming so it remains as the mummified body, destroyed on the touch.

People with physical mobilities or neurological mobilities beyond the spectrum that is supposed to be normative, are both at risk of stumbling on and on in this search for a sound bearing, but are also  in a position where then many reorientations in their swaying bodily and perceptual fields, throws up countless images and these kaleidoscopic flares of light and colour, shape and sound that are a result of physical turbulence and the need to constantly reset the balance, can become a way to practise remaining very alert within this stream of becoming. because there is no possibility of halting it and it will anyway keep coming, there is the possibility of transcribing it onto the realm of a background context; the wider orbit in which the incessant flapping of wings of the circling bird comes and goes.  The very changes in perceptual and body spectrum's of engagement, creates a relativity in which turbulence is naturally the state in which everything comes and goes. Without that turbulence there would be no way of noticing the itinerant nature of these moments. There is a feeling then that people whose bodies and neurology's are not anyway aiming for  an outside map of stream-lined repetition, are drawn by necessity to rely on and act on the emerging situation that presents itself.  (Perhaps we all anyway are part of this contingency though some more than others may strategise that maps actually work).

We ourselves are nothing but the meeting into this presentation- or the turning up for an event however fragile, lurching or upside down this may seem when given as an account from an outside perspective. But really there is no valid second-order perspective. We are either in it and getting on with it or we are nowhere to be seen.

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