Wednesday 5 May 2010


A holding to integrity

A pattern that keeps re-patterning itself

A recognizable set of associations that play out in a process.

An awareness of familiarity





Accumulated bearing that builds a depth of practice through time all of which are understood as reformulations of one another.

Wholeness in the portions that play out and associate

A grasping of a sense of remaining


Constancy- re-envisaging

Reversals of sinking down into habit and a bouncing back up out of the ground of that habit into unknown contingencies.

Copies and copies building into an atmosphere where many small interactions forge together and come apart in certain timings.

Intervals that hold through the pattern of association

Extension by going into the depth of a practice.

A sense of what could appear disparate and separated by intervals of time and space as belonging together.

The value held and communicated.

Quality of sustained attention, re-enlivened in the act of doing that re-invests coherence to various elements and details.

Holding open a focus to what occurs within the bounds of that chosen gage over time.

An arrival or putting oneself into an active engagement or disposition in which a core being is felt around the everyday practices that repeat.

A sense of difference in this quality of emergence at each instance in which it emerges.

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