Friday 28 November 2014

Space within Moving Bodies

Co-ordinate points that constellate in precision contact out of the movement itself. This dynamic re-settlement in which moving bodies come into brief moments of association and where that very association become axions out of which further movement or "Spin" becomes self-generative, is our joint holding.

To generate movement, the points of relative still contact must be embedded into the tilts and swayings itself where mobile bodies press up against one another or imapct one another briefly.. These still points are not outside the movement or dissociated from it; they are coincidences that reflect and so escalate or intensify the movement that becomes "Read" in these momentary events.

Contact becomes overloaded and pumped up into a self-importance that can not sustain all the add-ons of projective emotion, when divorced from the sphere of moving bodies out of which it arrives. The slight slant or twist of a dircetive takes shape according to unfolding circumstances; of air pressure, internal viscosity, kinaesthethic drag, muscles that are primed or on the verge of inertia, breath intake and expulsion, sound vibrations and how they reach the angling of the ear, nasal in-take, temperature gauges, ground consitancy and the rise and fall of this consitancy, skin sensitivity, throat articulaitons and how they travel over the vissitudes of prolongued or shortened distance and what becomes of them through our varying perceptual frameworks over that distance; light luminosity and the reflective bounce of the spectrums of this light onto surfaces that, like sound vibrations, multiply them in endless cycles.

The movement dimension that is described in the tangents of our living moving forms- and in the spaces between that are shaped and stretched out, shrunk and compacted, fragmented and dissipated in this dance of negative space, becomes the progression of possibilites that are born out of every touch. Touch then is loaded with significance that resides outside of the graspable body; the material of flesh and bone, sinew and nerve. And yet the movements that transcend this physically denotive body are also borne out of it and because of it.

The body over-reaches itself; overstretches its own reach and in the void or the blind spot where the body on turning, seems to disapear from itself and from view, it arises across distance and through time in the transformations that break up any consistancy and at the same time, allow this body to live.

This time is different from the next moment and the next and the next. In this pulsation of breath; this blinking eidetic fluctuation of rhythms that at one speed play back into seizure and at another into running, jumping, smiling or wailing, are brief accounts- sleights of hand and of figure- that are reformulations of an original that never really existed.

So between existance and non-existance we play with our histories, delving for one relief into the next; into spheres of darkness- the shadow moments of disappearance and ambiguity- through which light and contour is given its resounding and momentary glory.

It is in the turning that we come to be; moods and expressions formulate anew on the cusp of the wind.

Points where we hook into a combined point of impact; these can be points of crash-landings; accidents and collisions that kill our vigour and destroy and tear into our bodies.This is because they capture us mid-movement and prevent the resolution; the fall suspended, the turn inhibited is a caustic and brittle entombment. And frequently it leads to death -absolute or partial- as when the cricket-man turned his head at just such an angle that a coursing ball hit and split open his jugular vein which in turn catastrophically flooded his brain and killed him.

Therapy perhaps works in reverse order to such trauma and it does so only by retracing back into movement potentials and completing them.

The points that come up in a Shiatsu//Somatic treatment do so at the points where there is an intensification of vibrations where directives course together and condense into static and opaque areas in the body. These are sign-posts and keys that sometimes lock against further movement when arrived at too insistantly. Yet they are high density signs as well; like the scar tissues on the flesh or the lacerations on the bark of a tree that has been hit over and over again and yet has stood its ground.

Can we in fact stand our ground imaginatively and at the same time yield? So that in the translations from one response to another touch guides us into movement rather than impacting us as trauma?
The movement diagram does not live alone in the intention of an individual but in an environmental constellation where there is a swarming of resources in every meeting and seperation.

As we unfold back out this embedded potential the life stories of our movment patterns begin to unfurl. They are indicated in a treatment session in the emotive points or Tsubos on the body that show up sequentially as a relay of openings and closings; of brief moments of responsiveness that give rise- like the cat's eyes lit up by head-lights on a dark journey- to create lineages of association that criss-cross over the body in order to describe its life-story; its multi-facetted spherical movements which are the adpatations and reformulations that are created in each moment. And these are shaped and influenced out of the very blockages that emerge in our life stories to more direct and habitual routes. The very form of our body is made up and sketched out from out of these cross-hatched lacerations and detours and just as scar tissue or held-breath or muscle contraction sign-post us towards a certain unknown inclination, so our very inhibitions and fault-lines; our illnesses, aches and pains, give us clues into the immediacy of areas of attention. In themsleves they may be seen as problems but within a wider scope of movement patterns they become land-marks that help us release back into a wider sense of our shared gesturing.

These patterns are always embodied. Yet in their very embodiment as they shift from one instant to another of co-adaptation, they give up absolute ownership and open up pockets of space or absence within the mass of the body itself. These become turning points for the body as a joint imagination.

Freedom is this; these spheres of emptinness that are enmeshed within the body-fibre- the materiality of matter itself. For they are truly our  one voice; both the sounding and the listened to sound. They are our vibrationary attunement with one another in varying roles of care and dependancy and on into the more spherical realms of play and improvisation. In that evolving dance we are to each other, both figure and ground; a shimmering give and take that gauges and recalibrates responsiveness and position in countless ways in the moment of our holding. This is love.